Saturday, July 20, 2013


A short write up by me on the military structure of the Maratha army in the 18th century , with a special focus on the cavalry .  

As the empire spread from its confines amongst the hills and valleys of the Sahyadris , the reliance on forts and attendent guerilla warfare declined and gave rise to large contingents of cavalry . These allowed the armies mobility across the vast plains of Hindustan , enabling them to conduct lightning raids on far away places . It also enabled them to 'live off the land ', since a cavalryman travelled light . Through efficient use of his cavalry , Bajirao I  was able to travel from Pune to Delhi in few days flat - a feat unheard of in those days !! .  The cavalry could said to have been roughly divided into  -  huzurat , shiledar , bargir and pindari contingents . The last being a purely mercenary force .

 Huzurat -   The huzurat cavalry was a picked regiment of the Peshwa . They were his personal soldiers . Obviously , only the best of the best made up contingents of the Huzurat cavalry . They were paid from the government treasury. Their special stables were called huzurat paga .  

Shiledar  -    Shiledars owned both - their horses as well as their weapons . A contingent was known as 'pathak'and their leader was called  'Patki ' .  Many times these Patkis would have status of a 'sardar' .  
 The 'pathak' itself would be called ítlakhi ' incase its upkeep was through the government treasury . It was called 'saranjami pathak '   incase the upkeep was through land given for the same .
A shiledar was given a salary of Rs 25 - 30  per month .  About 1/3 -  1/2   was paid before Patkis would commit their contingents towards a campaign . This was called  'naalbandi '  


Bargi -    They owned neither their horse nor their weapons . Both was provided for by the ruler . The bargirs were given regular salary of Rs 5 -  10  .  Their stables would range from 10 horse to well over 500 . Heads of stables were known as 'amaldars ' . Incase of large stables , these amaldars were given the status of sardars .  Bargirs are most well known for carrying out raids deep into Bengal under the leadership of Bhaskarram Kolhatkar and Raghuji Bhosale .

Pindaris --  They were mainly  Muslim mercenaries from central  parts of India . A contingent of 1000 to 4000 was called a labhur . They were armed with spears , swords and few muskets . The pindaris lived entirely off loot and plunder .After getting some area marked out for them , they would proceed to lay it waste .The pindaris would keep whatever they looted , apart from flags , nishaan and other such symbols of someone else's rule .  The pindaris operated mainly under Holkar and Scindia .  

 _____________________________________________Ref :  Marathyancha Itihas - Kulkarni n Khare -  vol 2 . Univ of Pune         State at war in south asia - Pradeep Barua ___________________________________________________________________________________________

I am Aneesh Gokhale , a trainee navigating officer by profession . My first book - Sahyadris to Hindukush - a novel on the rise of the Maratha empire , detailing the years between 1740 and 1758 was published recently .  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Books I referred to .

Following is a list of books I referred to while writing Sahyadris to Hindukush

References :

1. History of the Marathas ( Vol 2 )    --                                  Grant Duff

2. History of the Marathas ( Vol 2)     --                                  Kincaid and Parasnis

3. Mughal administration                                                          Sir Jadunath Sarkar

4. Fall of the Mughal Empire                                                    Henry George Keane

5. History of the Afghans                                                           J.P. Ferrier

6. Among wild tribes of the Afghan frontier  --                         T.L. Pennell

7. The French in India                                                                 Col. G.B . Malleson

8. The Nizam                                                                               H.G. Briggs

9. History of the Sikhs                                                                 Cunningham

10. The Seir Mutaqherin                                                                Syed Ghulam Hossein Khan

11. A month in Peshawur and lady’s

ride through the Khyber                                                            L.R. Trevelyan

12. Poona in bygone days                                                               Rao Bahadur Parasnis

13. Shaniwarwada                                                                           Newase

14. Nawabs of Oudh

15. Maharashtra State gazetteer

16. Pune District Gazetteer

17. Satara District Gazetteer

18. Letters written in a Maratha camp ---                                    Thomas Duer Broughton

19. History of Marathas ( collection of essays in Marathi )  ---  Univ of Pune .

20. Marathi Riyasat ( Marathi )      -----                                      G.S. Sardesai

21. Marathi Riyasat ( Marathi ) ---                                              G.S . Sardesai

22. Balaji Vishwanath ( Marathi )  ---                                         Dikshit